What makes Lewis Yoghurt unique?
Our yoghurt contains the highest level of real yoghurt of any yoghurt compound made in Australia.
The taste and flavour is all natural and comes from the ingredients - we do not use citric acid to imitate the acid nature of yoghurt. Enjoy Lewis yoghurt and be sure you are tasting a premium product.
What do we make with Yoghurt?
Yoghurt Buttons
We make the largest range of both Sweet and NAS buttons. Have a look at our range of buttons including sweet and unsweetened varieties, flavours, custom manufacturing service and pack sizes detailed in the Buttons page.
By far the most popular product we make is yoghurt frogs.
Frogs made with sweet yoghurt are available in either plain vanilla or strawberry flavoured.
The plain and strawberry variety are also available in 130g packs.
Available in individual serve, prepacked 130g packs
600g loose bulk bags
( exclusive from our online shop )
and for wholesale customers,
boxes of 200 frogs (approx 2.2kg) and
bulk boxes of 10kg.
Plain Frogs made with NAS Yoghurt are also avaiable whereas flavoured nas yoghurt frogs can be made to order in 250kg minimum lots.
A new addition to our product range is the bilby. It is a solid, 18g approx, bilby shape joining our family of frogs.
Currently available in 130g clear cello bags.
Email Us for bulk buys if you are a business or go to the online shop and make your personal purchase and we will deliver to your door.
Coated centres.
Utilising panning or enrobing techniques, a variety of centres are coated with sweet yoghurt including roasted peanuts, almonds and sultanas plus dried bananas, dried apricots, fruitballs and our very popular fruit 'n' nut clusters and apricot with almond.
With NAS yoghurt we coat sultanas and a fruitball centre which we make with concentrated apple juice and with no cane sugar or glucose. This is by far the most popular nas yoghurt variety we make.
We also coat with nas yoghurt
- Dried apricot
- Almonds
- Peanuts
- Sultanas
- Fruit balls
- Apricot & Almonds pieces (most popular)
- Banana
- Fruit and Nut Clusters
- Ginger
- Rice cakes
Nas Yoghurt Blocks
We make 110g blocks from Nas Yoghurt. To review the varieties which are available go to the Blocks page.
From here you can review Product Information.